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507 مشاهدات
في تصنيف التعليم السعودي بواسطة

E-Learning Is Easy! But web videos and webcams are much more than that. They are becoming popular tools for e-learning. Many teachers today show web videos in their classrooms. What better way to help students understand geography or science. And there are thousands of video clips to choose from-you can see active volcanoes, the latest developments in technology, or learn more about global warming. Answer yes or no. __________ Teachers usually use webcams in the classroom.

  • Yes
  • No

1 إجابة واحدة

0 معجب 0 شخص غير معجب
أفضل إجابة

E-Learning Is Easy! But web videos and webcams are much more than that. They are becoming popular tools for e-learning. Many teachers today show web videos in their classrooms. What better way to help students understand geography or science. And there are thousands of video clips to choose from-you can see active volcanoes, the latest developments in technology, or learn more about global warming. Answer yes or no. __________ Teachers usually use webcams in the classroom. بيت العلم


  • Yes

اسئلة متعلقة

مرحبًا بك في مُختبر الأسئلة والأجوبة ، حيث بيتم فحص وإختبار السؤال والإجابة قبل نزولهم.

12.3ألف أسئلة

12.4ألف إجابة

187 تعليقات

2 مستخدم
